Saturday, February 5, 2011

Interview in Lakha - Part - II

cntd.. from Part-I

I boarded the train and I was even more nervous going to an unknown place without having much knowledge about the language.

I was trying to relax myself listening to my co-passengers discussions about their families, their agricultural products and so on.

In the mean time a person with a huge bag came and started shouting .... and flashing various products and people were curiously looking at the things and since they travel frequently they know what it is....its an auction... The seller show an item first and ask them to price it starting from a particular amount and people started adding money to the price and finally he shouts, 1,2,3 and if the bid is above his expectation he immediately give it to the highest bidder otherwise he say no.. the money you are offering is very small... you can not even buy a towel with this amount and puts back that item and take out another item... this way I enjoyed for some time slowly slowly easing out my nervousness.

It was in the evening it reached Bilaspur ... chaiwallah (tea vendor) came inside and shouting Chai, Chai very nice chai, you will only get it from me... etc. etc. I asked for a cup of tea and he has asked for money and I gave him a hundred rupee note as I was not having change. He said, I am sorry I too do not have change, you make some change and give it to me I will come back again said and he left the compartment. I was bit afraid as to what to do if I do not get change. The train stopped for 15 minutes or so, then I started moving from one compartment to the other to avoid the chailwallah!!! Because if come out of train to buy something the train may leave and I will have more problems. The train started moving and I was feeling relaxed with the expectation the chaiwallah may have stayed back in Bilaspur.

After an half an hour or so to my surprise the chaiwallah came and asked for money - can you guess what might have going into my mind that time. I again gave him the same hundred rupee note and said I could not get change... He was angry. I was bit nervous again. Then to my luck suddenly another vendor came with biscuits, cakes etc. Immediately I bought two biscuit packets and I got the change and gave the chaiwallah the money and took one more chai. On the way I had some snacks and had one of the biscuit packets also as I do not know by the time I reach Raigarh I may get something to eat.

I reached Raigarh around 12 in the night. Then started my next level of anxiousness as to where to go and sleep at that night. Again I may face the same problem that I faced in Raipur. In the railway station I asked for a glass of hot milk and had the remaining biscuit packet with that milk which was my dinner for that night. While paying money, I asked the chaiwallah is there any place that i can stay tonight as I am new to this place. He said there is Dharmasala (free or small amount needs to pay for staying). Then happily I went there and stayed that night in the Dharmasala.

See about my stay in Dharmasala and the next day interview process in Part-III

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