Sunday, April 12, 2009

Village Games

The atmosphere in the villages is quite pleasant and village life is quite different from that of the city life. Upto primary school since I studied in the village, I used to play a lot games - to name some - Gonni Billa, Jeedi Pikkalu, Kabbadi, Ko-Ko and etc.

Jeedi Pkkalu (Khaju Seeds) In its season people (mostly a community called Relli) sell Khaju fruits with seeds. What we used to do is to procure all the Khaju seeds and play. Basically at least four five people club together these seeds - say each one will have to give at least two khaju seeds and so if there are five people then there will be 10 khaju seeds. All these seeds are put in sand in vertical touching one another. Each player used to keep a master Khaju seed for striking. From few meters away each one will have to sit on a given line and throw the Striker at the Khajus placed in a row. If the striker hits them and whatever Khaju seeds fall from the row will be taken away by the striker. So like this I used to procure a number of these seeds. To hit the Khaju seeds one need to have proper Striker - so we select a bigger size Khaju seed and if the seed is heavier then the chances of winning more seeds. Even what we used to do is to make a hole to the master seed and take out the eatable from inside and fill it with small stones etc to make it heavier - and even people used to put seasam (silver liquid inside so that it becomes heavier).

When the number of seeds becomes more we used to break it and eat. This is a seasonal game and we used to play after school in the evening hours. While playing we also used to make bets.

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